Welcome to the Bettercoal PROGRAMME
Working towards a global responsible coal supply chain
Our Purpose
To promote the continuous improvement in the mining and sourcing of coal for the benefit of all people impacted by the industry, workers and coal mining communities.
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Coal Producers
The Bettercoal Code is used by coal producers to continually improve their operations across all three pillars of ESG.
Coal producers who commit to the Bettercoal Code, on-site mine assessments and continuous improvement plans are called Bettercoal Producers.
Companies that want to ensure the coal they purchase is produced to the highest international standards, join the Bettercoal Programme as Members.
The Bettercoal Programme and its Members work to encourage increasing numbers of coal producers, from across the globe, to commit to the Bettercoal Code and so increase the network of businesses working towards a global, responsible coal supply chain.