Changes to Bettercoal Assurance Processes

Published on October 6, 2022

Bettercoal undertook an initial review of its assurance system in 2021, working with our Technical and Advisory Committee to make updates to our processes, which were then approved by the Bettercoal Board of Directors.

These changes have been put into practice, including changing our 3-5 year assessment cycle to four years and changing claims so that coal producers can only become a ‘Bettercoal Producer’ once they have been through the site assessment process and agreed their Continuous Improvement Plan. Details on the full changes agreed can be found below.

  1. Change site assessment cycle from 3-5 years to four-years.

  2. Move Bettercoal Producer claim from after the signing of the Letter of Commitment to after the Producer is assessed and the CIP is agreed.

  3. Change language from ‘Bettercoal Supplier’ to ‘Bettercoal Producer’.

  4. Streamline down from three claims to one claim - ‘Bettercoal Producer’

Bettercoal is now undertaking a comprehensive review of all the documentation that makes up our assurance system in 2022. This work will ensure that our assessment system not only aligns with international standards but continues to drive continuous improvement across the coal supply chain.


Driving continuous improvement in responsible commodity sourcing.


UL Assurance Review


Bettercoal Colombia Working Group Engagement Programme 2022