Bettercoal reaffirms its support for the UN Global Compact

We are proud to reaffirm our support for the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

Since 2017 Bettercoal has participated in the UNGC and supported its Ten Principles, which span Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

Since becoming a participant in August 2017, we have promoted the Ten Principles in our work programme, through our engagement with Members, within our Standard (the 'Code') and throughout our coal producer (‘Supplier’) network.

By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UNGC into strategies, policies and procedures, companies can uphold their responsibilities to both people and planet.

To find out more about how we continue to support the UN Global Compact, please read our recent ‘Communication of Engagement’ report here.


Driving continuous improvement in responsible commodity sourcing.


Accident at SDS-Ugol mine


Maikuben West JSC no longer a Bettercoal Supplier