Bettercoal publishes CONSOL Energy Public Report

We are happy to publish the CONSOL Energy Public Report following the assessment of the company against the Bettercoal Code. This provides an overview of the company, the main findings, areas of improvement and will be updated regularly to reflect progress against their Continuous Improvement Plan. You can read the report here.

As a Bettercoal Supplier, CONSOL Energy was assessed by Independent Assessors against the ten principles of the Bettercoal Code, the internationally recognised Standard for assessing, assuring and sustaining stringent ethical, environmental and social performance in the coal supply chain. Based on the findings of the assessment, the producer commits to improving their operations in line with our custom-built Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). You can find out more about Bettercoal´s Assurance System on Bettercoal´s website.

We are excited to accompany CONSOL Energy on improving their operations and working towards a sustainable and responsible coal supply chain.


Driving continuous improvement in responsible commodity sourcing.


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