Country Working Groups

These are member-led groups that are setup to better understand the activities, progress, impacts and potential solutions to challenges within a specific country. At present, the Bettercoal Programme has two Country Working Group, one for members who source coal from Colombia, and one for members who source coal from South Africa. The Russia Country Working Group has been paused while the Bettercoal Programme’s engagement in Russia has been suspended.

These groups meet regularly throughout the year to share information about the progress that Bettercoal coal producers within the respective country are making with their Continuous Improvement Plans, alongside deep-dives into relevant topics and further knowledge sharing, often involving the input of other stakeholders and experts.



Since its foundation, the Bettercoal Programme has worked with Colombian coal companies, including two of the three largest coal exporters in the country.

One of the aims of this group is to foster better relationships with all stakeholders involved in this complex environment, from business to government, to international NGOs and local communities.

The Colombia Working Group is currently formed of Bettercoal Programme Members EnBW, Enel, ESB, Fortum, RWE, Vattenfall, and Uniper.


In 2022, the Bettercoal Programme established a South Africa Working Group, a member-led group focusing on coal in South Africa. This group has been formed because of the increasing volumes of South African coal coming into Europe and the needs of our Programme Members to ensure there is due diligence monitoring in their changing coal supply chains.

The group serves as a platform to work with our members to better understand the context and risks relevant to coal mining in South Africa.

The South Africa Working Group is currently formed of Bettercoal Programme Members ESB, Fortum, RWE, Uniper, Vattenfall, and chaired by Enel.


The Bettercoal Programme’s Russia Working Group (RWG) has been suspended. For more information, view the full page here